SPCI collaborates with consultants and coaches experienced in appropriate areas to help organizations and individuals make better decisions. |
Leveraging cutting-edge conceptualization. |
SPCI's partners excel at thinking outside the box. Currently, we are focused on leveraging an idea initially developed by co-founder David Gallagher, who calls it a Defined-Interdependency Orientation System (DIOS)sm method for information organization. |
Cultivating agile attention. |
In a world of accelerating change and complexification, no one can afford to get locked into a single way of looking at things. We teach concepts that instill both the habit of stepping back to a wider "view" and the ability to survey the complex "landscape" of your situation with agility. |
Illuminating situations, issues, and solutions. |
In this complex world, ultimately everything is interdependently connected. How can you identify all the aspects of a situation that are worthy of consideration? And further, how can you understand, in an effective manner, the relationships among those aspects - so that you can steer clear, as much as possible, of actions (or non-actions) that would unintendedly lead to unwanted outcomes? |
When you are sorting out the complexities of three-dimensional physical things, you can, in a real sense, directly mimic certain of the relationships by rendering them on a map or diagram. But the complexities that dominate the concerns of most of us are social rather than physical, and until now there has been no really effective way of "mapping" the social "landscape." DIOS methods (see above) are a breakthrough in this regard: they serve as the bases for Situation Mappingsm methods of analysis. |
Using Situation Mapping methods, we can examine your situation and help you understand it better - including all the challenges, controversies, and proposed solutions that relate to it. We can also teach you how to use Situation Mapping methods yourself, if you like. |
Taming the information explosion. |
We are all aware of being in the midst of an information explosion. How are we ever going to catch up and stay up - so we don't feel perpetually overwhelmed? DIOS methods provide the key here too. Because nearly all information refers to or pertains to specific situations, the same features of DIOS methods that allow us to map situations also allow us to organize information very effectively. |
What if you could start from any "place" within the sea of information and "navigate" efficiently to any other place - "zeroing in" on your destination without getting detoured by information offerings that are irrelevant to your present concern? What if information could be organized in such a way that things that you really should consider, given your present concern, but do not know you should be considering, present themselves to you very organically - because of how they are helpfully organized "next to" the things that you do know you should be considering? |
DIOS methods make it possible to realize such scenarios. We believe that exponential adoption of DIOS methods will rapidly revolutionize the world's "contentscape," through what we call the "building of a 'global brain.'" We can teach you how to use DIOS methods to organize your information and thereby be at the forefront of this information-taming revolution. |
Empowering collaboration. |
One aspect of the complexification our world is undergoing is that modes of organization and collaboration are proliferating and becoming more nuanced. Information technology and the internet provide unprecedented opportunities, both for finding potential collaborators and for devising innovative collaborative arrangements. Situation Mapping methods help us to envision all the possibilities and alternatives and to identify the potential obstacles and difficulties. And their utility for helping us find information naturally extends to the hunt for partners, helpers, clients, and customers. |
Using Situation Mapping methods, we can help you design or re-design your organization, or any specific agreement or set of policies, so that it operates with maximum feasible effectiveness to achieve the aims you intend for it - and capitalizes, to full advantage, on the potentials of all the individuals involved in it. |